Phil McGain demonstreert de downhaul monster machineEen sneak preview van een van de meest complexe en krachtige downhaultools (of trimmolens zoals we ze in nederland noemen) ooit gezien. In de zeilenfabriek van MauiSails wordt deze 'downhaul monster machine' al geruime tijd gebruikt, zodat ook de kleinste aziaten zonder extra inspanning de meest extreme racezeilen tot op de centimeter precies kunnen tune.

Barry Spannier
, over downhual tools in het algemeen: enldquo;however, that said, it is still a good idea to have a normal style lever or crank downhaul tool to be able to tune accurately and easaily without injuring your back. even though we have reasonable tension, it is still asking a lot of your musculature to apply downhaul load in the odd position you assume when downhauling. why take your fun away suffering in pain, when for a few dollars you can have leverage and precision? But the photo, as funny as it is, is for real. no joke. they use itenrdquo;.

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